Region | Ahafo Region

Ahafo Region


The Ahafo Region is a newly created region in Ghana with Goaso as its capital.[3][4] The region had administrative and governmental legislature like all the ten already existing regions in Ghana. The region was carved out of the south-eastern part of the Brong Ahafo Region and was in fulfillment of a campaign promise made by New Patriotic Party. Prior to the 2016 Ghanaian general election, the then candidate Nana Akufo-Addo declared that when elected, he would explore the possibility of creating new regions out of some of the existing regions in Ghana in order to bring government closer to citizens. The execution of plans for the creation of the regions was assigned to the newly created Ministry of Regional Reorganization and Development which is under the leadership of Hon. Dan Botwe. Government of Ghana ministry charged with the responsibility of supervising the creation of new regions in Ghana. In March 2017, the ministry sent the blue print for the creation of the region along with others to the Council of State. The council met over 36 times from the time of submission to August 2017. The final stage for the creation of the region was decided through a referendum by the people within the catchment of the new region on 27 December 2018. Tourism Tourist Attractions in the Ahafo Region are: Mim Bour at Mim, Ahafo Mim Lake also in Mim, Ahafo The White-necked Rockfowl conservation at Asumura Okomfo Anokye tree at Sankore


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