Destination | the mystic stone

  • the mystic stone in Northern Region


The Mystic Stone is located in Damongo municipality in the West Gonja District, approximately 6 kilometers from the famed Mole National Park and 21 kilometers from Damongo. The stone initially achieved notoriety in the 1950s, when the British colonial administration began construction on a road in the Damongo area, where it was discovered. A path on which the stone was lying was cleaned as part of the activities to make room for the road project. According to legend, the contractors returned the next day to find the stone had inexplicably returned to the precise spot where it had been cleaned. The contractors cleared the stone from the pathway once more, but when they returned the next day, they discovered the stone had returned to the position where it had been moved the first time. The officials opted to leave the stone where it was and find a new path to build the road, and the Stone has remained in the same position ever since. Visit the mystic stone and learn more about it.

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