Destination | Salaga Slave Market

  • Salaga Slave Market in Northern Region


You have probably heard a lot about the heinous 19th-century slave trade between Africa, Europe, and the Americas, in which Africans were kidnapped and sent as cargo to the Americas to work on plantations and factories. Slavery existed in Africa throughout the 16th and 17th centuries, although it was carried out in considerably more humane circumstances than the Trans-Atlantic slave trade. Salaga, specifically the Salaga Slave Market, is home to one of the few remaining pieces of evidence of Africas slave trade prior to the nineteenth century. Salaga, the administrative capital of the Gonja East district in the Northern Region, used to be an important West African city where traders from the north met traders from the south to barter in commodities such cowries, beads, textiles, animal hides, and gold. The Salaga slave market is now a pale shell of its former glory, devoid of dynamic commercial activity and transformed into a car park. Salaga also has additional slave monuments, such as a notable slave cemetery and a slave storehouse, in addition to the slave market. Slaves were housed and held captive in the slave warehouse until they were moved to coastal districts and sold to Europeans living along the coasts. Visit the Salaga slave market and learn more about the place. It is one of the few historical tourist sites in Northern Region

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