Destination | Nzulezu

  • Nzulezu in Western Region


Nzulezo is a village located near the village of Beyin, 90 kilometers west of Takoradi, in the Jomoro District jomoro the Western Region of Ghana. Over 500 people live in the community. Nzulezu overlooks Lake Tadane, and is entirely made up of stilts and platforms. If you are considering taking a holiday to see beautiful architecture on water, you may consider Bora Bora or the Maldives but Nzulezu in the Western region of Ghana gives you the similar experience infused with a beautiful African vibe. The main tourist attraction in the region is a village which is built at the center of Lake Tadane almost 90km west of Takoradi. The architecture is remarkable as homes are built on stilts which creates an interesting communal lifestyle to suit the water condition. Visitors are able to experience a lovely promenade through the reeds at the edge of the lake, including a trip in a dugout canoe to the village. This breathtaking site welcomes visitors on all days except Thursday which is known to be a sacred day. Thus, if you love water and adventurous travel, Nzulezu is the place to go.

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