Destination | Kyabobo Park

  • Kyabobo Park in Oti Region


The Kyabobo and is located in the Oti Region on the boarder with Togo. The nearest town is Nkwanta. The reserve was established in 1993 but it's boundaries were adjusted severally until September 1999 when the current and final boundary was fixed. The Park has Ghana's second longest mountain , Mount Dzebobo and offers visitors an impressive view of Lake Volta. The Park is located in a transition zone between the tropical rainforest and tree Savannah. The Park's wildlife includes African bush elephants, African Leopards, African Buffalo and Waterbucks, several primate species, bush buck, duikers and symbol for the park, rock hyrax. A park survey list at least 500 species of butterflies and 235 birds. The Park has seven hiking and two mountain biking trails. The most popular hiking trail follows a ridge in the South East corner of the park to a peak atop one of the breast mountains.

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