Destination | Fort Metal Cross

  • Fort Metal Cross in Western Region


Fort Metal Cross, originally Fort Dixcove, is a military structure located on a promontory at the fishing community of Infuma in Dixcove, in the Western Region of Ghana. This castle was built 300 years ago by the British as a warehouse for gold dust, timber, and then later slaves. This tourist attraction sits on a rocky promontory which overlooks the fishing port of Dixcove. Located in a fishing village called Infuma, the area is surrounded by water suitable for canoes and small boats. Also, large ships are able to dock roughly 2 kilometers from the coast. To get to this part of the Western region from Accra, it takes approximately 4 hours by road and 45 mins by air. This is one trip promised to be filled with excitement and learning as the site holds so much of Ghana and Africa’s history and the rich culture and tradition of the people in its surroundings.

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