Destination | Elmina Castle

  • Elmina Castle in Central Region


Elmina Castle was erected by the Portuguese in 1482 as Castelo de São Jorge da Mina, also known as Castelo da Mina or simply Mina, in present-day Elmina, Ghana. It was the first trading post built on the Gulf of Guinea, and the oldest European building in existence south of the Sahara. Elmina is known to be the first point of contact between Europeans and Ghana. The Portuguese adventurer Diego D'Azambuja was the first European to land on the shores of Elmina. He and his adventurers were so attracted to the abundance of gold they found here so much that they even called the place"Mina de Ouro", which points to the vast amount of gold and ivory found in the area. About 11 years later, Elmina Castle was built.

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