Destination | Cape Three Points

  • Cape Three Points in Western Region


Cape Three Points is a small peninsula in the Western Region of Ghana on the Atlantic Ocean. It forms the southernmost tip of Ghana. Located at the Southernmost tip of Ghana, Cape Three points is one of the most beautiful beaches along Ghana’s coast. To have a clear view of this captivating sight, you’ll need to visit the 95 year-old light house at the Cape. Cape Three Points also has a village with a number of landmarks for sightseeing which give you the opportunity to explore a cultural present and a colonial past of Ghana. There are several activities to engage in around the area like hiking, surfing and simply relaxing by the beach. A drive to Cape Three Points usually gives visitors a chance to see how rubber is harvested and if lucky a sight of some monkeys and other wildlife too. This is one trip you do not want to miss out on while in Ghana.

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