Destination | Bia National Park

  • Bia National Park in Western Region


Bia National Park is a national park in the Bia district in the Western Region of Ghana. It is also a biosphere reserve with a 563 square kilometer resource reserve. It has some of Ghana's last remnants of relatively untouched forest complete with its full diversity of wildlife. This national park in the Western region of Ghana is also a biosphere reserve home to 563 square kilometers of resource reserve. It has some of the tallest trees in West Africa and 62 different species of mammals. There are also 10 primate species, i.e chimpanzees, three species of colobus, and Pan troglodytes among many others. Bia is also the only known home to a recently discovered specie of lizard known as Agama Sylvanus. Moreover, there are also over 160 species of birds in the reserve. Hence a trip to this tourist attraction would be one of a lifetime.

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