Destination | Ancient Rock Art at Gingana, Kpatiritinga, Jilik, and Tusugu

  • Ancient Rock Art at Gingana, Kpatiritinga, Jilik, and Tusugu in North-East Region


The most recent discovery at Gingana along the Gambaga Scarp has been rock carvings atop a boulder near the cliff's edge. The boulder is a massive and over 3 meters tall so the radiating circles carved atop cannot be see from ground level. Ancient Rock Art at Gingana, Kpatiritinga, Jilik, and Tusugu : This is over the White Volta River and is the site of ancient rock carvings and paintings. The rock paintings are only 1/2 km from the granaries. The first of the two sites is a large boulder precariously balanced on three stones. On the northwest face are some simple lines and shapes that resemble arrows and crosses

Available circuits for Ancient Rock Art at Gingana, Kpatiritinga, Jilik, and Tusugu

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